Boost Your Application With App Store Ads

You can utilise App Store Ads to stimulate customer acquisition for your application. The experts at Eskimoz are there to help you boost your downloads.

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App Store Ads

Help Your App Take Off

For several years, application stores such as Apple’s App Store, Google’s Play Store, and the Windows Store have allowed companies to benefit from various placements to publish their ads. The goal is simple: To give your application visibility to boost downloads and revenue. Thanks to our understanding of the different stores, we can optimise your campaign settings daily for an ROI-driven approach.

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« Creating App Store Ad campaigns to maximise acquisition for your mobile application is crucial as the intensity of the competition is reaching new heights in the industry. »
Johnny Craston – PPC Director

Our Method

The implementation of your paid acquisition strategy requires several steps:
  • Audit

    To understand your needs and objectives, we will discuss your context and carry out an in-store audit of your application and your competitors’.
  • Campaign Creation

    We manage the creation and optimisation of your App Store Ads campaigns: Keywords, formats, audience, location, visuals, texts, A/B testing, etc. ensuring that your ads perform as expected.
  • Result Analysis

    After a test period, we analyse the results based on clearly defined KPIs and optimise your campaigns to take advantage of low acquisition rates.
  • Iteration

    Once we’ve found the ideal combination (high-performance ads coupled with low acquisition costs), we broadcast your ads on a large scale.
App Store Ads

The Key-KPIs

We track various indicators to measure the results of your mobile acquisition campaigns:

  • Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

    This number corresponds to the expenses incurred divided by the number of customers acquired (or conversions).

  • Number of Installs

    This data allows us to monitor how many downloads happened over a given period.

  • Conversion Rate (CR)

    This KPI is the ratio between the total number of conversions divided by the number of clicks.

  • Tap-Through Rate (TTR)

    Your ad will receive a certain number of clicks. This KPI shows the total number of clicks divided by the number of impressions.


Store Experts

Our experts have supported dozens of applications through their digital marketing strategies and used App Store Ads to help them with customer acquisition. They understand and utilise the best techniques to get people to discover your application easily, all while keeping your ROI goals in mind.
Thanks to the work of our teams (copywriters, graphic designers, video-makers, etc.), your ads are relevant and allow you to reach your target audience while optimising your conversion rate.

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App Store Ads Track Your Results

Tracking your results is crucial to know whether the mobile campaigns implemented on the various stores are performing optimally. For every acquisition campaign, our experts give you access to a comprehensive dashboard, allowing you to monitor the results of each ad with a high degree of precision.


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Our Commitment

  • Expertise

    Since 2010, we have worked with over 2000 clients across 90 countries.

  • Passion

    We are a team of passionate, industry-focused individuals who are committed to your success.

  • Performance

    We’re committed to implementing a data-driven strategy, making a real impact on your bottom line by providing avenues for growth.

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