SEO Experts Make Your Website Redesign Successful

Website design is a key element of search engine optimisation. Whatever the reason you’re considering a website redesign, our experts are on hand throughout the redesign process to ensure you retain your rankings.

Website Redesign The Challenges

Website redesign can be tricky – done incorrectly, it can impact your search engine rankings and reduce website traffic. At Eskimoz, our experts will guide you through the redesign process. Whether it’s a website merger, graphical redesign or change in CMS, our consultants will be at hand to ensure your new website doesn’t slip in the search engine results.

Website Redesign

Redirect Planning

One of the biggest technical challenges of website redesign is the redirect plan. This establishes a connection between the old site and the new one. Made up of 301 redirects, it informs the search engines of your new pages, preventing pesky 404 errors that irritate users and drag down your SEO performance. Our experts work with you to provide a robust and detailed redirect plan, ensuring a smooth and error-free redesign.

refonte seo le plan de redirection
« A website redesign can be a true SEO challenge. It can improve your site’s UX and strengthen your SEO strategy, but, on the other hand, it can prove fatal to organic traffic »
Eléonore Sablot – SEO Manager

Our Tools

With our expertise in SEO, we’ve developed several exclusive proprietary tools allowing us to devise cutting edge SEO strategies:

  • Link Assistant

    This tool determines the number of links needed for a page to reach the Top 3 rankings for a specific keywords, and suggests target media on which to publish these links to optimise your purchasing and PR strategy.

  • Predictive ranking

    Achieving rapid performance is easy with this tool, which automatically identifies the most important website elements for optimisation by analysing hundreds of thousands of results for a niche based on ranking criteria.

SEO Website Redesign The Eskimoz Method

Our 5-step method for website redesign ensures a smooth transition from old to new, while preserving your search engine optimisation.

  • Step 1

    Technical Specifications

    Working with you, we’ll define your objectives, devising a set of technical specifications and guidelines that development teams can use to produce a perfectly optimised website.

  • Step 2

    Mock-up and Wireframe Audit

    After establishing the initial mock-ups for your website redesign, our team will audit them for compliance with technical specifications, and ensure the UX is properly balanced with SEO.

  • Step 3

    Pre-production Audit

    Once your website designed is finalised but before it goes live and is indexed on the search engines, we’ll perform a final audit to ensure there are no technical issues that might impede its positioning in the rankings.

  • Step 4

    Redirect Plan

    This connects your old website with the new one. Each old URL is redirected to the corresponding new URL, with our detailed plan ensuring no SEO assets are lost in the process.

  • Step 5

    Acceptance Testing

    Before the official launch of your new site, we conduct a full acceptance test, performing any last tweaks and optimisations so we can roll out a 100% functional site.


A Team of Passionate Experts

We pride ourselves on providing the right support to you at every stage of the website redesign process. Our extensive expertise allows us to pass our SEO knowledge on to you, giving you the ability to work autonomously on your new website once it’s up and running. With a presence in 5 European countries, our agency is well-placed to provide additional support for your international projects, with recommendations tailored to each international market.

portraits consultants eskimoz
  • SEO Audits

    Auditing your website from both a technical and semantic perspective provides a crucial part of developing an effective, long-term SEO strategy.

    Find out more
  • Website Redesign

    A well-designed, optimised website is the foundation of successful SEO and must be handled correctly to ensure you are able to build SEO momentum.

    Find out more
  • Link Building

    Earning external backlinks increases the ranking potential and visibility of your website, and help to maximise your SEO performance.

    Find out more
  • International SEO

    Global SEO strategies enable you to develop cross-border traffic and scale your brand worldwide. With experts based in 5 countries, we can help you implement your international SEO strategy.

    Find out more
  • Reputation

    Cultivating an outstanding online reputation is key to building trust in your brand. Our reputation management team help you gain control of what others say and read about you on Google.

    Find out more

Our Commitment

  • Expertise

    Since 2010, we have worked with over 2000 clients across 90 countries.

  • Passion

    We are a team of passionate, industry-focused individuals who are committed to your success.

  • Performance

    We’re committed to implementing a data-driven strategy, making a real impact on your bottom line by providing avenues for growth.


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Any questions?

If you’re considering a website redesign, then SEO should be a primary concern. You might be changing your name or identity, merging several sites, or simply giving a modern edge to your old site. These graphic changes are going to generate modifications that will impact your website’s structure and code. By carefully preparing your website redesign with SEO in your line of sight, you can anticipate the impact of the various changes and, more importantly, avoid disrupting the work of Google’s crawlers. This means you won’t lose any visibility – or only temporarily – in the search results.

A website redesign is likely to have a range of consequences, not least on SEO.

If you rework all your texts without a clear strategy, your rankings in the search engines are likely to drop, especially if the content isn’t as good as it used to be or doesn’t answer user queries.
As a result, traffic to your website will slow down, making you even less visible on search engines, which could impact your sales negatively.

Redesigning your website will also impact your backlinks, with redirects potentially causing error 404 messages. This will lead to a loss of authority with the search engines and cause your rankings to drop in the SERPs.

A redirect plan allows you to connect your old URLs to your new website.

If some URLs end up changing along with the website redesign, setting up a redirect plan makes it easy to redirect an old page A to a new page B. These are known as 301 redirects, i.e. permanent redirects.

Thanks to the redirect plan, you can limit the loss of traffic and visibility associated with a website redesign. Your plan should be created before migrating your site, ideally during the acceptance testing phase. A redirect plan is a meticulous job that should be carried out page by page to redirect the most relevant ones and avoid forgetting any.

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