Legal notice

The website is published by the company Groupe Ydyle, S.A.R.L, with a capital of 26,000 euros.
Registered headquarters: 19, rue du dôme – 92100 Boulogne Billancourt.
Registered with the Registry of Commerce and Companies of Paris under number 528 338 494.
VAT number: FR89 – 528338494
Publication director: Andrea Bensaid.
E-mail address:
The site has been registered with the CNIL under number 1469537.


The website owner assumes responsibility for the provided information and endeavours to ensure it’s up-to-date and correct. They reserve the right to modify the content at any time and without prior notice.

All brands mentioned on this site belong to their respective companies. All products, logos, and images mentioned on this site belong to their respective brand.

Processing of personal data
Information obtained from user registration on the site during an order will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed to any third party.

Eskimoz has been the exclusive partner of Ydyle agency since 2016.