Use A/B Testing to Improve Your Conversion Rate

A/B testing your visuals and text elements lets you optimise your website’s user experience and boost your conversion rate!

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ab testing améliorons votre taux de conversion

A/B TESTING AGENCY Use Comparison to Boost Your Performance

A/B testing – or AB tests – is a technique that allows you to compare results from one or several versions of the same web page. Multiple tools will help you determine which variant generates the most conversions or clicks.

The test is carried out using a sample of your visitors so you can bring the most compelling page to your wider audience. This means you can offer them the ultimate user experience regardless of the device they view your content on.

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A/B Testing The Benefits

  • Conversion

    Thanks to reliable results, you can optimise your website’s user experience on a constant basis and maximise conversion.

  • Engagement

    Streamlined navigation means your visitors engage with your business more seamlessly, and you can work on fostering their long-term loyalty.

  • Knowledge

    Analysing these results will help you develop an in-depth understanding of your customers’ needs and wants.

  • Data Driven

    With this technique, your decisions aren’t left up to chance. A/B testing prevents you from taking risks when it comes to subjective information.

  • Efficiency

    By making decisions based on concrete data, you can save time and focus on what actually works.

« By comparing specific elements of your pages, you can offer a better experience to your users while boosting your performance. »
Etienne Besème – Data Director
Etienne Besème Etienne Besème

Our Method

As an A/B testing agency, we came up with a precise method that boils down to 4 steps.

  • STEP 1

    Defining the A/B Testing Strategy

    Once we’ve audited your website, we start by identifying all the elements that could do with some optimisation. We’ll give you a list of the tests you could potentially carry out, along with the corresponding KPIs to assess their relevance.

  • STEP 2

    Designing the Tests

    After validating the tests you wish to carry out, our experts prepare a mockup for each one. We’ll also set up the different test variants (objectives to be achieved, pages to target, traffic segmentation, trust levels to reach, etc.) to get accurate results.

  • STEP 3

    Implementing the Tests

    That’s when we set up the tests, and our experts are there to ensure they work as expected. Once everything’s ready, they are officially implemented on your website. To keep them running correctly, the tests must remain unbiased. A publicity campaign designed to boost traffic, for instance, would skew the results.

  • STEP 4

    Analysing the Tests

    We analyse the statistics from the different versions we tested to draw conclusions based on concrete data. We can then give you precise recommendations.


Data Driven

Data is at the very heart of A/B testing. At Eskimoz, A/B testing agency, we surround ourselves with data scientists who can develop targeted solutions. This allows us to gain a precise understanding of the results delivered by the CRO tools.

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TOOLS What Are the Best Tools on the Market?

  • AB Tasty

    A French solution that makes implementing AB tests a more straightforward process. It requires no prior understanding of coding and offers many customisation settings.

  • Google Optimize

    This free online testing tool is connected to Google Analytics and your website. It can help you optimise your website’s UX and content.

  • Upflowy

    A drag & drop solution that makes website optimisation easier by carrying out A/B tests. All you need to do is add a simple line of code.

  • Contentsquare

    An Experience Analytics platform that boosts the performance of your AB tests and gives you access to visitor session replays and concrete insights.



agence data
  • Dashboards

    Monitor your progress towards your goals in real time with the right tools.

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  • Tracking

    Define and collect the most relevant data for your needs.

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  • SEO & PPC Data

    Use your data to make better SEO & PPC decisions.

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  • A/B Test

    Improve your conversion rate through A/B testing.

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  • CRO

    Optimise your website and boost your conversion rate with our tailored recommendations.

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Our Commitment

  • Expertise

    Since 2010, we have worked with over 2000 clients across 90 countries.

  • Passion

    We are a team of passionate, industry-focused individuals who are committed to your success.

  • Performance

    We’re committed to implementing a data-driven strategy, making a real impact on your bottom line by providing avenues for growth.


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Any questions?

A/B Testing is a method that consists in showing a web page containing various elements to a sample of visitors. Whether it be the colour of a button, a page’s title, or the image it features, you can use these tests to determine – based on substantiated data – which elements are the most relevant to maximise conversion on your website.

A/B testing then allows you to improve the user experience for your visitors and boost your website’s conversion rate while reducing its bounce rate.

To implement an A/B testing strategy, you should decide which elements you wish to upgrade on your website. To this end, you’ll conduct a detailed analysis of your conversion funnel and visualise the steps that could potentially pose issues.

Then, you’ll define hypotheses to improve a specific element using CRO tools. That’s when you’ll design the test itself. Before your A/B test’s official roll-out, you’ll need to segment your traffic. Now, you’re ready to launch the test. Interpreting the results will allow you to perform your optimisations!

As an A/B testing agency, Eskimoz is with you every step of the way. We’re here to carry out all the A/B tests you need and optimise your website accordingly.

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