Unlock Your Performance with Our Data Marketing Agency

Put data at the heart of your marketing strategy. Our London based data marketing agency is your competitive advantage, handling everything from collecting, analysing and interpreting data to create your data-driven strategy. As a dedicated data marketing agency, our team of data analysts, data scientists, media experts and creatives offer personalised support. Using concrete data insight, we help you identify improvements and optimise each of your marketing campaigns.

Agence de Marketing Data

A Data-Centric Approach

Our Data Marketing agency is composed of data engineers, data scientists, and tracking and data visualisation experts. Our mission is to offer personalised support for all your data requirements with an efficient and effective approach. Leveraging your data to accurately, quickly and consistently identify areas of improvement with your advertising campaigns, while saving time on any manual data collection.

« Automating your marketing reporting will save you time, be more accurate, and supercharge your optimisation efforts »
Etienne Besème – Head of Data
Etienne Besème Etienne Besème

Data-Driven Strategy Benefits of Data Marketing

  • 360° view of your customer

    By centralising your data within a single interface, we can help you gain a better understanding of your customers’ behaviour at every stage of the purchasing cycle.

  • Leverage data science

    Optimise your marketing strategy with the latest in technology and high-performance tools to delve deeper into your data.

  • Connect your data sources

    Unifying your data through a central dashboard gives you access to your most important KPIs, empowering your decision-making process through interconnected data.

  • Master your data

    Data-driven marketing puts you in the drivers seat. You decide which data is most valuable and how to integrate it into your marketing strategy, while removing the dependence on multiple actors.

Creating Dashboards Our Method

We can work with you to create customised dashboards that give you a complete visual overview of your data.

  • Defining the Framework

    We work with you to discuss how you approach data, your data sources and current tools, and define your objectives with data marketing.

  • Planning your dashboards

    Having established your needs, we access your data sources and define key KPIs to create a mock-up of your future dashboard.

  • Deploying technical architecture

    After validating the necessary elements of your dashboard, our data engineers handle the entire technical undertaking to bring your dashboard to life.

  • Consulting and optimising

    We understand your requirements are likely to evolve, so we are on hand to provide continuous support, adjusting your dashboard as needed throughout the project.

Our Approach Data-Driven

  • Collecting

    Data collection exists in a complex regulatory framework, posing an obstacle for companies who want to make the most of data. We help you to define a specific method for data collection, identifying the extent of your data sources.

  • Analysing

    Artificial intelligence and machine learning enables analysis of complex data, allowing you a clear visualisation of information, empowering decision-making.

  • Activating

    Data that can be easily read and interpreted lets you optimise your marketing actions and roll out concrete, profitable operations at scale.



agence data
  • Dashboards

    Monitor your progress towards your goals in real time with the right tools.

    Find out more
  • Tracking

    Define and collect the most relevant data for your needs.

    Find out more
  • SEO & PPC Data

    Use your data to make better SEO & PPC decisions.

    Find out more
  • A/B Test

    Improve your conversion rate through A/B testing.

    Find out more
  • CRO

    Optimise your website and boost your conversion rate with our tailored recommendations.

    Find out more

Our Commitment

  • Expertise

    Since 2010, we have worked with over 2000 clients across 90 countries.

  • Passion

    We are a team of passionate, industry-focused individuals who are committed to your success.

  • Performance

    We’re committed to implementing a data-driven strategy, making a real impact on your bottom line by providing avenues for growth.


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Any questions?

Data Marketing – also known as Data-Driven Marketing – is a marketing practice based on the interpretation and use of data. Nowadays, experts implement marketing actions based on a precise analysis of the data available. This allows them to meet the users’ needs while keeping sales development as their prime objective.

Data is becoming increasingly prevalent and crucial, and unifying it is now a priority for those wanting to integrate every key element obtainable in their decision-making process. Data Marketing encompasses CRM data, email lists, and even the tools dedicated to your advertising campaigns.

Various techniques can be deployed to improve your conversion rate. With that said, the first step consists in measuring it at every stage of the conversion funnel to have a global overview of your conversions.

Then, you can move on to technical optimisation. This could include improving your pages’ loading time, shortening your purchasing tunnel, or changing copy. You can also utilise trust building elements to convince users. To boost your conversion rate, you can carry out A/B tests to understand what works best in terms of colours, where your CTA is placed, phrasing, etc.

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