Supercharge Your SEO With An SEO Audit

We offer detailed SEO audits helping you identify the issues and opportunities in your SEO strategy. We show you the criteria you should be prioritising to help you climb rankings.

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Boostez vos performances sur les moteurs de recherches grâce à un audit SEO !

SEO Audit Boosting Visibility

A full SEO audit is vital for understanding how you can make your website more visible to the search engines and reach your audience. Our comprehensive analysis of both on-site and off-site SEO, plus an audit of your competition, identifies how you can start boosting your positioning and your performance.

« Every SEO strategy should begin with an audit. It delivers a comprehensive analysis of the website and allows us to understand its weaknesses and unexploited potential. »
Eléonore Sablot – SEO Manager
SEO Audit

3 Audits to Suit Your Goals

  • Technical

    We’ll assess your website’s loading speed, crawl errors and internal linking, creating a roadmap of corrective measures to be implemented.

  • Semantic

    With a full audit of all your website’s content, we’ll ensure each piece of content is powerful enough to rank.

  • Off-Site

    Off-site criteria are a powerful factor in the search engine algorithm. With this audit, we detect any potential penalty risks in the case of overly aggressive backlink strategies.

SEO Audits

The Eskimoz Method

Working with us means you’ll receive personalised support tailored to your auditing objectives.

  • Step 1

    Requirement Analysis

    One of our SEO consultants will take the time to understand the issues surrounding your website, tailoring a custom SEO audit to fit your business goals.

  • Step 2

    Keyword & Semantic Audit

    We’ll determine which queries are the most relevant, offering you a targeting structure for ranking with your most important keywords.

  • Step 3

    Competition Analysis

    This audit provides us with a situational analysis of the strategies favoured by your competitors. We’ll identify what is working for them and implement this on your website while balancing this with your brand positioning.

  • Step 4

    Off-Site Audit

    We’ll comb through the thousands of factors that could harm your website’s performance, producing a roadmap of corrective measures to address each issue.

  • Step 5

    Support & Testing

    Once our audits are complete, we’ll begin a monitoring phase. Our consultants are on hand to assist your teams with implementing our recommendations, and we carry out regular audits to ensure your strategy is always up to date.

  • Step 6

    KPI Identification & Monitoring

    Our role doesn’t end with the implementation of SEO recommendations. We’ll continue to monitor and follow up on your website’s performance, including organic traffic and keyword positioning.


A Team of Passionate Experts

SEO is at the heart of what we do. For over 10 years, we’ve built a team of talented SEO experts who are passionate about what they do. Your performance is our goal, so we provide comprehensive audits designed to fit your needs and objectives, helping you reach your marketing and business goals.

portraits consultants eskimoz
SEO Audits

The Right Tools

Working with us gives you access to exclusive insights from the best tools on the market. Our experts rely on over 30 licences to build our SEO strategies, along with several cutting-edge in-house tools that allow us to provide detailed recommendations.

Audit SEO
  • SEO Audits

    Auditing your website from both a technical and semantic perspective provides a crucial part of developing an effective, long-term SEO strategy.

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  • Website Redesign

    A well-designed, optimised website is the foundation of successful SEO and must be handled correctly to ensure you are able to build SEO momentum.

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  • Link Building

    Earning external backlinks increases the ranking potential and visibility of your website, and help to maximise your SEO performance.

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  • International SEO

    Global SEO strategies enable you to develop cross-border traffic and scale your brand worldwide. With experts based in 5 countries, we can help you implement your international SEO strategy.

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  • Reputation

    Cultivating an outstanding online reputation is key to building trust in your brand. Our reputation management team help you gain control of what others say and read about you on Google.

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Our Commitment

  • Expertise

    Since 2010, we have worked with over 2000 clients across 90 countries.

  • Passion

    We are a team of passionate, industry-focused individuals who are committed to your success.

  • Performance

    We’re committed to implementing a data-driven strategy, making a real impact on your bottom line by providing avenues for growth.


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Any questions?

An SEO audit is crucial for anyone looking to improve their website’s visibility on the search engines. It analyses a website’s technical structure and contents to determine its strengths and weaknesses. This makes it possible to draw up a detailed list of recommendations to improve your website’s health and optimise your online reputation.

Semantic audits and technical audits are two types of analyses with different yet complementary objectives. They both aim to improve your website’s search engine optimisation and are instrumental to any SEO audit.

Semantic audits focus on the contents of the website, whereas technical audits look at the technical structure. Where a semantic audit helps you improve the relevance of your website based on the expectations of Googlebots (Google’s web crawlers) and user queries, a technical audit enhances the quality of the user experience, thus stepping up your SEO game.

Both of these audits are essential, guaranteeing that the website is optimised for users and search engines alike. This will help you boost your organic traffic in the medium to long term.

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