Increasing Booking Requests

Discover how Eskimoz helped car sharing app, Hiyacar revitalise its PPC and SEO campaigns to drive growth and organic traffic.

The Client

Hiyacar is a peer-to-peer car sharing and rental network operating out of London, allowing customers to hire cars from local people within their area.

The Challenge

Before working with Eskimoz, Hiyacar were with a large agency spending around £25K each month on their paid ads. As an app-first business, nearly half of this budget was going towards app install campaigns on Google and Meta to drive mobile customers directly to the app store.

These campaigns were encountering significant problems, notably a lack of reliable tracking. Additionally, the automated targeting of app install campaigns is predominantly awareness-based, making it difficult to know whether in-market consumers are being effectively targeted.

Our Solution

While achieving increased app installs is great, what Hiyacar really needed was the revenue that came with in-app action, i.e. car bookings.

When they came to us at Eskimoz, we adjusted their existing strategy to focus on paid search campaigns with customers directly looking to book a car, with the goal of cutting wastage on their digital spend. Once these campaigns were in place, we were able to follow the user journey up with remarketing, encouraging app installs from people on Hiyacar’s website who had already engaged with the searches, and were actively looking to book a car.

One of the main benefits of Hiyacar’s service is being able to find a car on the customer’s street, which was something traditional care hire companies could not compete with. We focused on this, creating keyword strategies for local searches, driving qualified traffic to the website and supported these search terms with local SEO. From here, we were able to build out location specific pages across London and other key cities, gaining significant organic visibility on these terms, and supported this with multiple digital PR campaigns to improve overall Doman Rating and make Hiyacar more competitive on keywords with a higher search volume.

Finally, we addressed the issue of tracking by implementing a third-party tool to improve both tracking and attribution – allowing us to get a direct view of the booking requests as a result of paid activity, and optimise accordingly.

After 5 months Results

  • 85%

    fall in Google/Meta CPA

  • 686%

    increase in booking requests

  • 200%

    increase in organic traffic

Our Results

We were able to successfully generate high quality links for Hiyacar from sites including Timeout, Esquire, Wikipedia, MyLondon and Mashable, along with dramatically improving the results of both paid and organic activity, with key results as follows:

  • 686% increase in booking requests
  • 200% increase in organic traffic
  • 85% decrease in Google/Meta CPA
Case studies

Client success stories

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  • Expertise

    Since 2010, we have worked with over 2000 clients across 90 countries.

  • Passion

    We are a team of passionate, industry-focused individuals who are committed to your success.

  • Performance

    We’re committed to implementing a data-driven strategy, making a real impact on your bottom line by providing avenues for growth.

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