Leading Digital PR Agency Boosting Your Online Visibility

Gaining traction in relevant, quality online publications is a significant part of effective SEO. We understand that journalists are powerful influencers, and we’re here to support a content strategy that fosters long-term partnerships with leading publications. Ensure your content shines across top-tier media and search engine rankings.

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Digital PR Agency The Power of Press Relations

PR has gone digital, and your search engine optimisation strategy needs an effective digital PR component if it is to remain relevant. The accessibility and demand for quality content and the ability to target specific audiences means digital PR has an important role to play in boosting your website’s visibility, traffic and ensuring a return on investment.

As an experienced digital PR agency, we can help you increase your visibility and generate quality backlinks while sharing your cutting-edge content to a wider audience. Our approach to digital PR ensures your content engages a diverse range of journalists and publications who can collectively enhance your reputation.

portraits consultants eskimoz
« Building authority isn’t what it used to be. Finding the right opinion leaders and establishing a relationship with them has become essential to improving your SEO. »
Chloe Shepherd, Digital PR Expert

The Digital PR Agency

  • Partnerships

    We have built collaborations and partnerships with numerous influential media outlets, journalists and bloggers.

  • Press

    With our extensive expertise and media relationships, we can guarantee a minimum number of publications for your content each and every month.

  • ROI-oriented

    Our goal is to deliver both quantity and quality, ensuring consistent and relevant exposure for your content and maximising your returns.

Our approach

Digital PR Driven By Results

Our seasoned digital press relations team follow a precise methodology based on your unique business objectives. We help you attract the right press connections and valuable media exposure.

We are not just your agency, we are your brand’s advocate.
  • Strategy Planning

    We start by analysing your current editorial and content strategy and how it fits into the wider social media and online landscape. From here, we identify the influential figures and opinion-formers in your industry, pinpointing the best approach to press relations informed by your brand image.

  • Data Collection

    We take time to understand the data behind your website’s dynamics, existing campaigns and traffic patterns. This insight directly informed our strategy, which is then tailored to fit your aims and growth objectives.

  • Implementation

    Our digital press relations team use your editorial guidelines to create value-adding content that communicates your brand values, effectively optimising every piece of content for search engine discoverability.

  • Partnership Creation

    Our strong connections with influencers amplify the reach of your content. We assist you in building strong partnerships and managing collaborations to ensure effective long-term relationships.

  • SEO Collaboration

    Our SEO and Digital PR teams work together to seamlessly blend effective storytelling with the science of search engine visibility, enhancing your online reputation and organic traffic, and ensuring your stories are deployed with strategic backlinks. Working hand-in-hand with your own team, our experts develop and create content designed to gain linked media coverage and attract your preferred audiences.

Case Studies

Case Studies

Case Study 1 TRG Datacenters

We started working with TRG Datacenters in 2015. They approached us again visibility on local keywords for data centers and colocation. Two very competitive terms.

Amongst other things, we launched digital PR campaigns to support this. Our most successful campaign generated over 2.5K links. Overall we’ve increased their domain rating from 2 to 58.

Case Study 2 JustServicesGroup

Prior to working with Eskimoz, JustServicesGroup and JustBoilers did not appear organically for any keywords. To combat this, we developed a thorough SEO strategy including several digital PR campaigns.

They now rank highly for several very competitive keywords, driving significant growth for the group. Digital PR was central to this, increasing domain rating from 0 to 24, and generating quality backlinks and mentions from sites such as City AM and The Evening Standard.


Our Commitment

  • Expertise

    Since 2010, we have worked with over 2000 clients across 90 countries.

  • Passion

    We are a team of passionate, industry-focused individuals who are committed to your success.

  • Performance

    We’re committed to implementing a data-driven strategy, making a real impact on your bottom line by providing avenues for growth.


Any questions?

In the past, press relations simply involved sending press releases to numerous journalists, hoping for coverage in publications. However, with the rise of social media as a rival to traditional media, press relations have undergone a transformation.

Digital PR is a strategy that focuses on building partnerships with influencers who can promote your products, services, and brand. The aim is to prioritise authenticity rather than quantity by establishing strong partnerships and engaging with a community that resonates with your target audience.

Building partnerships takes time. This complex process involves identifying the most relevant influencers and opinion leaders in your industry. Then, you need to establish contact with them, agree on partnership terms, and wait for their first content to be published.

By opting for an experienced digital PR agency like Eskimoz, you can save time and focus on your content. We already have a strong network of influencers and opinion leaders, along with established relationships with major media outlets. We proactively reach out to those who best fit your digital environment and assist you in maintaining long-term connections.

Moreover, apart from managing partnerships, a proficient digital press relations agency will create SEO-optimised content with significant value. This content can be shared by the identified opinion leaders, who have access to key information and can distribute it through their blogs or social media channels in a way that resonates with their audience.

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