The Multilingual PPC Agency Maximising ROI & Revenue

We make PPC more impactful than ever, thanks to our multilingual PPC services. Multilingual PPC, or international PPC, services create paid ad campaigns that transcend borders. Our campaign management services help businesses like yours get noticed by the right audiences.

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PPC Advertising

Multilingual PPC

When done right, multilingual PPC is one of the most reliable ways to develop reach across all your target markets. A robust multilingual strategy, tailored to your goals can deliver rapid, sustainable results by increasing conversions and revenue. With us, an expert Premier Google partner agency with native speakers in 12 languages, including French, German, Italian and Spanish, we can support your multilingual campaigns from bespoke strategies to delivering tangible results. We pride ourselves on our open, communicative approach to marketing, which is reflected in our collaboration with you, ensuring you understand the workings of our multilingual PPC campaigns inside and out.

« Multilingual PPC requires native speakers to get it right, it’s not only about ad copy but selecting & analysing the right keywords »
Johnny Craston – PPC Director

Google Premier Partner

Our Google Premier Partner certification recognises our PPC expertise, granting us benefits such as early access and preview testing of new platform functionalities, so you can be sure you’re not only getting a fully multilingual service, but PPC experts on the cutting edge of the latest best practices.

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PPC Channels

Channels we manage multilingually

  • Paid Search

  • Paid Social

  • Programmatic

PPC Services

Our Multilingual PPC Services

We offer comprehensive multilingual PPC agency solutions designed to scale with the needs of your business. Our most popular international PPC services include the following.

  • Step 1

    Strategy Development

    Our multilingual strategists take the time to learn your growth goals and create a game plan for achieving them. We’ll take stock of your media assets, landing pages, and other content, then recommend bespoke services to optimise your PPC strategy.

  • Step 2


    Not sure how impactful your multilingual paid search efforts are? As a leading PPC agency, we’re renowned for our robust auditing services, which are designed to pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses. Our team will evaluate past multilingual PPC campaigns and help you better understand how to connect with your target audience.

  • Step 3

    Ad Creation

    We offer comprehensive international/multilingual PPC services, including content creation from native languages speakers. Our international PPC management team includes talented creators who can craft impactful, on-brand assets that resonate with consumers and get you noticed.

  • Step 4

    Campaign Management

    Strategy management, pay-click campaigning, SEO optimisation, social media campaigning — we oversee it all. Our multilingual PPC management staff will handle everything from setting daily spending limits to choosing platforms and measuring ad efficacy.

    Want to outsource more than PPC management? We’ve got you covered with our SEO and social media management services.

Case Studies

What Our Multilingual PPC Clients Have to Say

Case Study 2 Sweet Inn

Our travel sector client, Sweet Inn, offers the amenities and accommodations of a 5-star hotel. They enlisted us to help them achieve their objectives through a multilingual PPC campaign that would reduce booking rates through third-party online travel agents.

Our improved Google ads and Facebook remarketing strategy encouraged more direct bookings, with Sweet Inn achieving a 105% increase in Google Ads ROI.


What Are the Benefits of Multilingual PPC?

Our international PPC services serve to get your content in front of the right audiences at the ideal stage of their purchasing journey. We precisely target core demographics to maximise your reach and drive sales.

If you have aspirations of growing your brand, you need to break out of your comfort zone. But how do you do that when each market is unique? That’s where we come in.

We tailor each campaign to align with different markets’ pain points, needs, preferences, and cultural subtleties. The result is a better return on investment (ROI) and strong multi-market influence.

Our PPC services aren’t just multilingual. They’re multichannel, too. We use a combination of mediums, including Amazon, Google, Bing, and social platforms, to diversify your marketing mix.

Make no mistake — this process doesn’t rely on guesswork. Far from it.

We conduct extensive market research and determine which channels will be most impactful based on audience demographics and national trends. From there, we select the specific channels to build your campaigns around so you can meet consumers on their preferred mediums.

PPC management services from Eskimoz generate real results. We prioritise metrics that matter, such as leads, conversions, and sales.

Moreover, we can assist with long-term growth by achieving improved customer loyalty, higher upsell rates, and less churn. We believe building long-term relationships with your customers is the key to sustainable business success.

SEO and PPC The Synergies

SEO and PPC are two crucial components to any effective multilingual marketing strategy. Our extensive experience in both and our passionate SEO and PPC specialists allows us to optimise these two marketing channels to maximise your digital acquisition across multiple languages.

Our two teams work hand-in-hand to optimise both SEO and PPC, improving your campaigns with our ROI-driven approach. All of our specialists use SEO/PPC performance analysis tools to avoid campaign cannibalisation, steering your budget towards the most profitable activities to achieve both short- and long-term results across multiple markets.

portraits consultants eskimoz

The Performance-Driven Agency

Effective paid search engine optimisation demands a practical, meticulous approach and a comprehensive tailored strategy. We enhance your paid search optimisation with:

  • Campaign architecture
  • ROI optimisation
  • Quality Score
  • CPC control

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Our Commitment

  • Expertise

    Since 2010, we have worked with over 2000 clients across 90 countries.

  • Passion

    We are a team of passionate, industry-focused individuals who are committed to your success.

  • Performance

    We’re committed to implementing a data-driven strategy, making a real impact on your bottom line by providing avenues for growth.


Any Questions?

Multilingual PPC is a digital marketing strategy that involves creating PPC campaigns in more than one language. This approach is used by businesses looking to reach and engage with target audiences across different regions and countries where various languages are spoken.

Multilingual campaigns are tailored to fit the linguistic, cultural, and search behaviour nuances of each target audience, ensuring that the advertisements are relevant, engaging, and effective.

Multilingual PPC services support your digital marketing strategy by creating and managing PPC campaigns in more than one language. Our data agency uses actionable insights to launch international PPC campaigns that resonate with your target audience.

Working with an international PPC agency like us allows you to run pay-click advertising campaigns on multiple search engines in various languages. Our digital marketing pros create pay-click campaigns that can help you get noticed by audiences across the globe, from Helmet Row, London, to Paris, France, and beyond.

Our multilingual PPC experts are stationed in the U.K., France, Germany, Spain, and Italy. We provide holistic services designed to complement your search engine optimisation (SEO) and social media marketing strategies.

We don’t simply convert your advertising content into other languages. Each PPC campaign is optimised based on the cultural nuances of each of your audience segments. Our PPC experts also research trending keywords to get more clicks and maximise your results.

We rely on a variety of metrics to gauge the success of our multilingual digital advertising efforts. When formulating our strategy, we’ll identify the goals that are most important to your business. We’ll then select relevant metrics and key performance indicators to track and demonstrate the efficacy of our services.

Most importantly, we’ll keep you in the loop every step of the way. Our team will regularly meet with your staff to discuss what’s working, what can be improved upon, and how we intend to achieve your goals. Working with us is a collaborative experience that ensures the satisfaction of all involved, including your customers.

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