A Multilingual SEO Agency to Expand Your Strategy

Maximise your reach and expand your global presence with the help of a multilingual SEO agency. Our experts are based in five different countries and specialise in SEO with a global ambition. We’ll make sure you’re highly visible in the markets that really matter to your company.

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Boostez votre croissance à l’international grâce au SEO
Multilingual SEO

Conquer the World!

In today’s markets, multilingual SEO is no longer just ‘nice-to-have’. It’s essential. Capable of boosting search rankings in a way we’ve never seen before, multilingual SEO strategies equip businesses with the tools they need to unlock markets across the world. And the growth opportunities soon come rolling in.

« Multilingual SEO goes well beyond translating your website. Rolling out an SEO strategy into new languages requires a native SEO understanding to boost visibility »
Eléonore Sablot – SEO Manager

Eskimoz A Global SEO Company

Our international SEO agency has the resources to help you deploy the ultimate multi-country SEO strategy.

We have teams based in five different countries: the UK, France, Spain, Italy, and Germany. Between them, our SEO experts are fluent in over 12 languages and have an in-depth understanding of how markets differ in different countries.

Our experts can be relied upon to deploy unique multilingual SEO strategies that really deliver. We’ll help you cross borders and continents, speaking like a native to capture the interest of the new audiences you’re aiming to reach out to.

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Our Multilingual SEO Process

  • Step 1

    Keyword Analysis

    Our multilingual SEO process begins just like all good SEO strategies do: with keyword analysis.

    We analyse the most relevant keywords for the markets you hope to target. At this point, we’ll factor in the level of competitiveness of every keyword selected for the best results.

    Forget simple translations of the keywords that work for your business in its home country. For multilingual SEO strategies to work effectively, you need to consult native speakers.

    Our team is based in five different countries, and we speak 12 languages between us.

    We’ll check that the keywords you’re using mean what you need them to mean in the languages you’re targeting and we’ll do the research to find out what your target audience is actually searching for.

  • Step 2

    Technical Audit

    Next, we’ll move on to the technical SEO audit. Vital in any great SEO strategy, this audit determines which actions need to be taken to optimise your website for search. We’ll take into account the new markets you’re hoping to move into as we undertake this audit.

    Our technical specialists will check that your site has been crawled and indexed correctly. We’ll be on hand to optimise everything from URL structures to the implementation of each and every href your site uses.

    Hreflang, an HTML attribute designed to specify the language and geographical targeting of sites, is an essential part of a great multilingual SEO strategy. Our specialists ensure that hreflang implementation is correct across your sites and that variations can be easily found by target markets in different countries.

  • Step 3

    Content Creation

    Our content isn’t just translated. It’s handcrafted with different audiences in mind. We create content that piques the interest of your audience and search engines alike.

    Our network includes hundreds of copywriters based all over the world. We’ll connect you with writers from our copywriting agency who are capable of crafting content in their native tongue to maximise your reach amongst your chosen audiences.

    With the help of native copywriters, our team ensures that every piece of content strikes the right note with those we’re looking to share it with.

    We check for unique cultural references and hidden meanings to ensure that all content marketing reads like it’s been written locally. Not only is this great news when it comes to getting noticed, Google appreciates it.

    Search engines can easily pick up on clunky, automated translations, which is why our team always works with native speakers to create the best multilingual content around.

  • Step 4

    Link Building

    Our link-building strategies will strengthen your domain authority in each and every country in which you’re planning to establish a presence.

    Link building can significantly enhance your impact in these regions, enabling your site to reach those coveted, high-ranking positions that drive traffic and make a real difference.

  • Step 5


    Our personalised dashboards provide full access to the results you need to know about.

    Monitor the results of your multilingual SEO strategy in real-time, and see how your rankings are evolving as a result of the measures you’ve undertaken.

    Track everything from traffic generated to the resultant rise in revenue across new markets.

Unique Know-How

Our Predictive Tool

Our teams of data scientists and developers have been working closely with our SEO consultants to develop a comprehensive and exclusive range of tools. “Predictive Ranking” is one of them. For instance, it allows us to perform a comparative analysis between markets & languages over a given keyword niche. This tool lets us deploy strategies that match the algorithms’ expectations for every country.

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Search Engines Our In-Depth Knowledge

Google is the leading search engine in most of the world. With that said, multilingual SEO strategies should also include its competitors where relevant. We have an in-depth understanding of the specificities that apply to every search engine in the markets we operate in.

portraits consultants eskimoz

SEO & PPC The Synergies

SEO and PPC complement each other, so our consulting teams leverage the synergies that connect to deliver the best combined performance. By entrusting your multilingual search strategy to our multilingual agency, you’ll receive the support of a dedicated team of experts whose only goal is to bring you the best performance and synergies possible to optimise your acquisition channels.


Our SEO Tools

We utilise over thirty of the market’s leading tools to design our strategies, including common tools like WPML for correct hreflang implementation. We maintain close relationships with the developers of these tools, who give us exclusive previews of their new functionalities.

SEO international

The benefits of Multilingual SEO

Multilingual search engine optimisation strategies can dramatically improve your search rankings. Simply by demonstrating an understanding of the nuances of different languages, and the differences in how locals speak, your business could start to see a real improvement in visibility.

Multilingual SEO allows companies to reach global audiences in a way that’s never been possible before. With strategies designed for particular audiences, and written in the languages residents actually speak, companies can start to expand their reach and go global for the first time.

Poorly translated websites don’t make for a great user experience. And they don’t attract the attention of search engines, either. To grab the attention of audiences who speak different languages, you really need to create a site that’s been carefully translated and optimised just for them.

As brands begin to venture into different regional markets and invest in improving their visibility across Europe and beyond, they also start to see real improvements in brand recognition.

The more potential customers see of a brand, the more likely they are to trust it when they stumble upon it while looking for a product that solves the problem they’re facing.

Companies tend to face stiff competition in their home markets, but by looking further into the field and establishing a presence in new markets, companies can quickly outsmart their competitors and maximise profitability.

Few companies invest in multilingual SEO strategies that target every country they hope to do business in. By doing so, businesses can make their voices heard first – and attract the attention of new customers.

Multilingual SEO Pricing

Every multilingual SEO strategy our team develops is bespoke and created in accordance with the specific requirements of a business – and its growth plans.

The cost of our services ranges in accordance with the scope and complexity of the project at hand. The number of languages and regions required will also have an impact on costs.

If you’d like to find out more about our multilingual SEO pricing, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’ll be happy to talk through your requirements and give you an idea of what it might cost to get your new multilingual SEO strategy off the ground.

Let’s Talk About Multilingual SEO

Get in touch with our team today to find out more about multilingual SEO and how it works.

We’ll talk through your existing strategies and discuss how we can help drive growth in your business.

Whether you’re thinking of expanding into one or two markets across Europe or you’ve got plans to go global in the next five years, our team can help make it happen.

Let’s break the ice and get started.

  • SEO Audits

    Auditing your website from both a technical and semantic perspective provides a crucial part of developing an effective, long-term SEO strategy.

    Find out more
  • Website Redesign

    A well-designed, optimised website is the foundation of successful SEO and must be handled correctly to ensure you are able to build SEO momentum.

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  • Link Building

    Earning external backlinks increases the ranking potential and visibility of your website, and help to maximise your SEO performance.

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  • International SEO

    Global SEO strategies enable you to develop cross-border traffic and scale your brand worldwide. With experts based in 5 countries, we can help you implement your international SEO strategy.

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  • Reputation

    Cultivating an outstanding online reputation is key to building trust in your brand. Our reputation management team help you gain control of what others say and read about you on Google.

    Find out more

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Our Commitment

  • Expertise

    Since 2010, we have worked with over 2000 clients across 90 countries.

  • Passion

    We are a team of passionate, industry-focused individuals who are committed to your success.

  • Performance

    We’re committed to implementing a data-driven strategy, making a real impact on your bottom line by providing avenues for growth.

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