Boost Your Sales With Our Shopify SEO Agency!

With millions of eCommerce sites powered by Shopify, the CSM has become one of the best at showcasing digital shops and improving their visibility on search engines. Eskimoz is there to help you implement your SEO strategy and ensure long-term performance.

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Optimisez votre SEO sur Shopify

Your eCommerce Solution

With over 1.7 million shop owners using Spotify to manage their online presence, the eCommerce SaaS solution has become a staple. Endorsed by small firms and large international brands such as Red Bull, Shopify is a straightforward tool that helps you develop your digital business.

This CMS makes creating an online product portfolio and optimising your website for SEO a breeze. Yet, for a comprehensive and effective Shopify SEO strategy that will have you show up on the search results, you need to go further by calling upon a Shopify SEO agency. The architecture of your pages and your content strategy both require optimisation if you want your Shopify website to enjoy good rankings

« Shopify is one of the most suitable solutions for eCommerce professionals. It offers several native SEO functionalities that, when optimised properly, ensure good organic rankings. »
Eléonore Sablot – SEO Manager
Our Method

Agile Shopify SEO Projects

To work in the best possible conditions and get relevant results, we, as a Shopify SEO agency, rely on the Agile Project Management Method to manage your projects. This approach offers more flexibility for our teams and places you at the heart of the project.

Shopify SEO project management typically follows 4 main steps:

  • Step 1

    Auditing the Market and Your Website

    We start by carrying out an audit of your website to assess its health and your content strategy. We also analyse your competitors’ websites and strategies to see which keywords they rank for and compare them to you.

  • Step 2

    Developing Your Keyword Strategy

    Organic search engine optimisation is all about keywords. Our SEO experts define the keywords for which you should establish a presence. Our Shopify SEO agency analyses the most relevant queries and thinks up a suitable content strategy to enhance your search engine optimisation.

  • Step 3

    Supporting Your Teams

    Our experts team up with your staff to help you enhance the SEO of your Shopify website. This involves technical adjustments, new applications, internal linking, article creation, etc. We offer several recommendations, always explaining how they will be useful to your website along the way.

  • Step 4

    Monitoring & Reporting

    Once we’ve implemented the changes, we have to track your website’s progress to see how it performs with the search engines. Have you gone up on Google’s pages? Have you positioned yourself on additional queries? Our Shopify SEO agency provides you with a comprehensive report that will allow you to monitor the progress of your website performance.

SEO on Shopify The Benefits

  • Fast servers

  • Regular updates

  • Responsive, mobile-friendly themes

  • Page indexing

  • SSL Security for websites and eShops

  • Many SEO plugins

Shopify The Watchpoints

The CMS Shopify is an effective tool for launching an eCommerce site. However, as with any solution, there are some limitations. Here are some of the most restraining issues for SEO:
  • URL structure

    Characters sometimes get added, and it’s impossible to remove them.

  • Lack of access to the robots.txt file

    This file lets you tell Google’s bots (crawlers) which pages they can scan. If you can’t alter it, you can’t block their access to certain pages.

  • Adding customised fields is impossible

    It would be a convenient feature, especially on product pages. Yet you need to call upon an expert, such as our Shopify SEO agency.

  • Blogging module limitations

    A good content strategy is crucial for search engine optimisation. Yet Shopify’s tool is somewhat limited and inconvenient, unlike WordPress, for example.

Eskimoz Your Shopify SEO Agency

As a Shopify SEO Agency, the experts at Eskimoz are there to guide your marketing and technical teams. We will help you develop and implement a powerful SEO strategy.

  • Expertise

    Our Shopify SEO agency has established a presence at the European level. For over 10 years, our experts have been developing their comprehensive mastery of organic search engine optimisation. Our technical specialists understand all the ins and outs of Shopify.

  • Transparency

    Over the course of our collaborations, we always go through regular checkpoints. That’s our way of letting you know what we’ve discovered and how we’ve progressed and giving you advice on how to boost your SEO strategy on Shopify.

  • Training

    To help you improve your grasp of Shopify SEO, we can train your teams. Our experts explain our choices and show you how to implement the various elements we’re working on.


Any questions?

While Shopify may seem simple to use at first, some technical knowledge is indispensable if you wish to optimise your website for SEO. From the keywords to the link building to image optimisation, it’s all about devising and applying a proper Shopify SEO strategy.

When you choose to rely on the service of a Shopify SEO agency, such as Eskimoz, you receive experienced help and support to make your search engine rankings more competitive. We understand what makes the platform special and perfect your strategy by applying our SEO expertise.

Shopify is what you would call an SEO-friendly tool. Yet, to maximise your visibility on search engines, you need to adjust certain elements manually. These adjustments include your domain name settings, primary domain redirections, and filling in your Shopify meta information. You’ll need the metas from your website, product pages, content pages, etc. When selecting your Shopify theme, check that the one you chose is optimised for SEO. Finally, as you would for any site, you should implement a comprehensive content strategy.

Every CMS has its specificities. Regarding your SEO strategy, understanding the strong and weak points of Shopify SEO will help you maximise your visibility.

By considering Shopify settings, you can appreciate which elements to focus on for your Shopify SEO strategy. Use this knowledge to optimise your website architecture, the pages it contains, and your internal linking for the search engines.

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