Snack Content: Getting Straight to the Point!

Snack content is the art of producing concise and easily consumable content without compromising on quality. It’s the perfect fuel for your social media channels!

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Snack content des contenus qui vont droit a l'essentiel

What is snack content and what are its benefits?

What is snack content?

In marketing, there’s long-form content, essential for website/blog optimisation, search engine rankings, and generating traffic, and then there’s short, easily digestible content tailored for social media and mobile usage, designed to grab attention and encourage engagement. This marketing technique is known as snack content (or “micro-content” strategy). It involves creating impactful content meant to be consumed on the go and administered in small doses throughout the day. It’s like having a snack between meals to satisfy your hunger.

c'est quoi le snack content

Content reserved for social media?

Snack content has particularly taken off on social media platforms that thrive on sharing concise, highly shareable content. Micro-content is designed to be quickly consumed and generate interest in minimal time, making it very “social-friendly.” However, its use is not limited solely to social media. Snack content also works well for blogs, allowing for frequent updates with fresh content, providing an interesting (and cost-effective) alternative to longer and more complex content that requires more resources to produce. Moreover, concise content doesn’t necessarily mean poor quality content!

Why use snack content in marketing?

Because internet users appreciate short, easily digestible content that doesn’t require sustained attention. As user behaviour evolves, more people are accessing the internet on the go. The brevity of snack content aligns with modern lifestyles and consumption habits. Additionally, companies and brands can’t afford to ignore the importance of a strong social media strategy. For all these reasons, snack content is a powerful tool for increasing brand visibility, standing out from the competition, driving engagement, and even fostering customer loyalty. It offers flexibility by complementing longer content pieces and seamlessly integrating into an existing content marketing strategy. Snack content is addictive, enabling businesses to build a loyal audience, maintain an engaging editorial schedule, and create anticipation. It’s also a practical approach to breaking down messages, making them easier to absorb and allowing for multi-channel distribution.

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Snack content vs. slow content

Snack content and slow content employ different methods and serve distinct purposes, making them complementary.

Snack content

  • Short, impactful content that gets straight to the point (such as social media posts, articles under 300 words, short videos, infographics, and quotes)
  • Ephemeral and entertaining content
  • Designed for quick consumption, often on the go
  • High frequency of publication (multiple times per day)
  • Preferred channels: social media platforms
  • Goals: capturing attention, driving engagement, going viral, and increasing brand exposure


Slow content

  • Long, in-depth, and comprehensive content (such as articles over 800 words, whitepapers, case studies, and videos over 2 minutes)
  • Durable and informative content
  • Requires longer reading time
  • Low frequency of publication
  • Preferred channels: websites, blogs
  • Goals: showcasing expertise, improving search engine optimisation (SEO), building brand awareness, generating traffic, and driving conversions
  • 8s

    the average attention span

    of an internet user.
  • 4 M

    people worldwide

    use social media.
  • 92 %

    of internet users

    connect using their smartphones.

Different formats of snack content

Content with many faces

Snack content doesn’t refer to a specific content format, but rather a marketing methodology. Engaging in content snacking isn’t just about posting on Facebook or Instagram and tweeting all day – although these examples are crucial aspects of this approach. In reality, the content can take various forms, regardless of the chosen publishing platforms (social media, blogs, or others). However, they all have one thing in common: they are characterised by brevity, capturing attention, evoking emotions, and delivering simple messages.

snack content des contenus qui vont droit a l'essentiel des contenus aux multiples visages

Different snack content formats


  • Format 1

    Social media posts

    Social media posts are the essence of snack content due to their concise nature. Short content has the advantage of reaching a wide audience, piquing curiosity, inspiring action, and initiating conversations. The message should be relevant, concise, and preferably entertaining.

  • Format 2

    Short articles

    The goal of short articles in snack content is to deliver expertise while keeping things brief. This type of content adds value without overwhelming readers. By setting a strict limit (maximum of 300 words), you’re forced to distil the information into a concise format. Short articles can be published on a blog or on social media platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn.

  • Format 3


    Infographics involve synthesising data and presenting it in a visually appealing image that is easy to comprehend. Widely used in snack content, infographics quickly capture attention. They have a high potential for virality and encourage audience engagement. Additionally, infographics are well-indexed in Google Images.

  • Format 4

    Short videos

    Video content is the most consumed format on social media platforms. By its very nature, social media videos are dynamic and help you stand out. Their brevity (less than 2 minutes) ensures that viewers watch them in their entirety. Whether it’s a vlog, tutorial, interview, or documentary, the video should be easily consumable and adopt an attractive tone (quirky, unique, humorous) that makes viewers want to comment and share it.

  • Format 5


    These entertaining and offbeat images have taken the web by storm. They have huge viral potential: some memes have been shared millions of times! Brands can leverage memes to react to current events, respond with humour to messages, spark debates, provoke reactions, generate engagement, or simply enhance their online presence. However, caution should be exercised to avoid overuse, as a positive impact is not always guaranteed.

  • Format 6

    Animated GIFs

    GIFs, which are brief looped animations, are another internet sensation. Highly popular in the realm of snack content, they add humour and a lighter touch to messages. GIFs have a strong viral appeal, capturing the attention of a wide audience and being easily shared.

  • Format 7


    Quotes are a powerful content format capable of evoking reactions, conveying impactful messages, and reflecting a company’s values. To maximise their effectiveness in snack content, quotes should be original, relevant to the target audience, and adapted to the context and industry. There’s no need to rely solely on widely quoted celebrities; quotes can come from customers, collaborators, or industry experts.


Producing impactful, viral, and engaging snack content

Finding the recipe for successful bite-sized content

Snack content isn’t just about churning out short pieces; it requires creating content that is impactful, relevant, engaging, high-quality, and has strong viral potential. The challenge lies in capturing the attention of internet users by offering content that elicits a response as they scroll through their feeds and motivates them to take action. However, when it comes to producing social content, advertisers face four significant challenges: volume (the demand is ever-increasing), quality (algorithms favour high-quality content), speed (being responsive to current events is crucial), and budget (ensuring profitability). For these reasons, the practice of snack content creation should be part of a well-thought-out strategy.

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10 tips for producing effective snack content

  • Tip 1

    Create diverse content

    Diversifying your content is the key to successful snack content. Don’t be afraid to explore various formats (short articles, infographics, quotes, memes, GIFs, etc.) and cover different topics, allowing you to publish frequently without boring your audience. If you’re running low on ideas, repurpose your longer-form content!

  • Tip 2

    Stay abreast of current events

    Newsjacking goes hand in hand with snack content. It involves seizing current events and leveraging them by creating content that references them. As soon as information goes viral, try to find ways to incorporate it into your communication – with a touch of humour!

  • Tip 3

    Deliver value

    Even in a concise format, your content should provide value to your audience – offering information, answers, or advice that aligns with their expectations. Focus your snack content on addressing the issues that matter to your target audience.

  • Tip 4

    Evoke positive emotions

    Emotion is an essential ingredient in snack content: it’s a powerful tool for capturing attention and fostering engagement. Create content that surprises, entertains, captivates, or challenges your audience. Prioritise positive emotions as they will enhance your brand image.

  • Tip 5

    Adapt to each platform

    Your content should adapt to the tone and usage patterns of each social media platform, as well as the preferred formats. For example, share short articles on Facebook and LinkedIn, brief videos on TikTok and Snapchat, and GIFs and memes on Twitter. Carefully choose the platforms frequented by your target audience.

  • Tip 6

    Create original content

    Snack content allows you to stand out and leave a lasting impression with compelling content. So, try and resist the temptation to copy your competitors! Always strive to produce original content that aligns with your brand’s tone and reflects its values.

  • Tip 7

    Encourage audience engagement

    As snack content should align with your marketing strategy, it’s important to motivate users to take action. Incorporate clear call-to-action buttons or relevant links within your content, tailored to the format and intended message.

  • Tip 8

    Prioritise mobile experience

    Given that users primarily access social media and consume short-form content on mobile devices, it’s crucial to adopt a “mobile-first” mindset when creating your content.

  • Tip 9

    Focus on quality

    Short-lived doesn’t mean low quality. Don’t compromise on the quality of your snack content. Opt for visually appealing photos and videos, well-crafted texts, and carefully selected memes or GIFs.

  • Tip 10

    Repurpose existing content

    Transform your existing content into bite-sized snacks. Convert long articles into multiple concise pieces, create short clips from videos, generate GIFs from a series of images, or extract quotes from client interviews. Tap into the endless potential of repurposing content!


Snack content is a great way to capture attention and engage your audience, while also driving users to explore other platforms such as your website or blog. These platforms offer longer, more comprehensive content to address their specific needs. Remember, while a snack can temporarily satisfy, it can never replace a full meal!


Sharing short content and measuring its impact

Choosing the right distribution channels: a key step

The success of a snack content strategy relies not only on the content itself but also on the chosen channels for distribution. While snack content is well-suited for social media platforms, it’s important to remember that each platform caters to a specific audience type—be it young or older, B2B or B2C. Consequently, GIFs featuring kittens may not resonate well on LinkedIn, while technical infographics have no place on Snapchat or TikTok. Therefore, it’s crucial to select the platforms that best align with your targeted audiences, which requires a deep understanding of both the audiences and the platforms. A recommended approach is to develop your strategy by identifying the social media platforms most frequently used by your intended audience and focusing on one or two platforms that make sense.

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How to measure the impact of snack content

Once short-form content is shared on social media, it’s important to measure its performance to evaluate the campaign’s effectiveness. What are the key metrics to consider?

  • Number of views

    This metric indicates the organic reach of a post (how many times it has been viewed) without determining if the content has actually been read or consumed.

  • Number of interactions

    This refers to the number of times users have engaged with your content, such as liking, commenting, or sharing. It serves as a good indicator of content quality.

  • Engagement rate

    This metric reflects the interest of users in a post and indicates its relevance. It is calculated based on the ratio of the number of views to the number of interactions.

  • Number of subscribers/followers

    An increase in the number of subscribers/followers following a post indicates that users appreciated it. This metric also demonstrates broader visibility gained on the platform.

The risks of snack content

Despite all its advantages, this practice is not without risks. When used improperly, snack content can be risky: useful content becoming trivial, a drift towards superficiality, a tendency to blend in with the crowd by overexploiting trends, or compromising quality for quantity… This can lead to channel congestion, loss of audience attention, and a devaluation of the company’s or brand’s message. To protect against these pitfalls, the production of short-form content should always be part of a comprehensive strategy, alternating with longer and more expert content—a blend of styles that demonstrates balanced and accurate communication—and staying true to its objectives: capturing volatile targets and engaging them with the aim of directing them towards owned media. And that, my friend, is a job for professionals!


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    Since 2010, we have worked with over 2000 clients across 90 countries.

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    We are a team of passionate, industry-focused individuals who are committed to your success.

  • Performance

    We’re committed to implementing a data-driven strategy, making a real impact on your bottom line by providing avenues for growth.


Any questions?

Snack content is a marketing approach that focuses on creating short and impactful content, primarily for sharing on social media platforms and mobile consumption. This type of content is designed to grab attention, go viral, and engage audiences. Snack content complements slow content and should be an integral part of an overall content strategy.

Internet users appreciate short, easy-to-consume content that doesn’t require sustained attention, especially on social media platforms. Therefore, integrating snack content into a social media strategy offers several benefits. It helps brands increase visibility and reputation on these platforms and encourages audience engagement.

There are various formats of snack content, such as social media posts, short articles (less than 300 words), infographics, brief videos (less than 2 minutes), memes, animated GIFs, and quotes. A successful snack content strategy involves diversifying the formats to avoid audience fatigue, while considering the unique characteristics of each social media platform.

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