12 of the Best Content Marketing Examples

Published on 27 March 2024 - Updated on 4 April 2024

If you’ve been brainstorming about your next content marketing campaign and you’re facing a creative block, don’t worry. 

You’re not alone. Creating new and engaging ideas can be challenging, even for the most experienced marketers.

That’s why we’ve gathered 12 of our favourite content marketing examples to inspire you and help you think outside the box. Let’s get started!

Best Content Marketing Examples

What makes a good content marketing campaign? Is it originality? Creativity? Or something else? The truth is there needs to be more than one formula for a successful content marketing campaign. 

But sometimes, it helps to look at those who have gone before you and hit it out of the park. 

Below, you’ll find our favourite examples of content marketing campaigns that have caught our attention.

Blog Content Examples

Blogs are quite the powerhouse when it comes to content marketing. They are a great way to drive traffic, boost your domain authority, and engage with your audience.

However, they do take work to maintain. You must keep blog content engaging, fresh, and interesting, and that’s no easy feat. 

Here are three examples of blogs that have done it right:

Thinx Blog

Thinx is an e-commerce brand that sells innovative period underwear. But they’re also known for how they approach content marketing. 

Thinkx’s blog is a masterclass in engaging with their audience in a way that goes beyond just selling their products. Thinx tackles topics that many shy away from, getting into discussions about menstrual health, incontinence, menopause, and hormonal issues.

This fearless approach to subjects that are often considered taboo sets their blog apart from others. But it’s also the way they approach these topics – using plain English and solid fact-based research – that makes it easy to connect with their audience and build trust.  

They frequently publish “explainers” that break down complex issues around women’s health and provide valuable information in a digestible format. 

This style of content has helped Thinx to build a strong community and establish itself as a thought leader in the period care industry.

Patagonia Blog

As a brand that’s known for its high-quality outdoor gear and clothing, it makes perfect sense that its blog would be focused on environmental issues. 

The Patagonia blog engages readers with its blend of adventure stories, environmental initiatives, and discussions on sustainability. 

The content is both accessible and engaging, and they’ve perfected the art of communicating complex topics like conservation and sustainable practices in a way that’s relatable and easy to understand.

They also place a strong emphasis on storytelling, which makes their content particularly powerful. They frequently share experiences and insights from the outdoor adventuring community, which makes their articles naturally passionate and impactful. 

Their wide range of content, which includes everything from practical advice on sustainable living to inspiring tales of adventure, has grown their blog into an excellent resource for anyone with an interest in the outdoors and a desire to make a difference. 

Indirectly, this places them as an influential voice in the environmental movement, giving them an intensely loyal following amongst their target customer base.

Video Marketing Examples

People love watching videos, and there’s no denying they’re one of the most powerful forms of marketing. 

In some ways, it’s easier to grab attention with a video rather than an article. But that doesn’t mean video marketing is easy. 

So, without further ado, let’s dive into our top video content marketing examples:

True Classic Tees Viral Video Ads

It doesn’t seem like there’s much to get excited about when it comes to plain t-shirts for men. That said, True Classic Tees managed to get people talking about their t-shirts with an impressive video marketing campaign. 

Only founded in 2019, this small e-commerce business was built around one core product (t-shirts for men with ‘dad bods’) and a simple message, but effective! 

Their videos used humour and relatable messaging to target their audience, and thanks to their video campaigns on Instagram, they’ve acquired over 500k followers, and their revenue is expected to grow by 60% this year.

Crocs’ “Croctok”

Who knew #Croctok would ever be a thing? Crocs is a perfect example of a brand that doesn’t try to pretend to be something it’s not. 

Croc’s social media managers know their shoes are seen as goofy and they lean into it. They’re not making video campaigns pretending to be high fashion. They highlight what they do well – a comfy, practical shoe – and poke fun at themselves.

They lean into the negative comments, and they don’t shy away from embracing their brand’s “ugly” reputation. 

As a result, they’ve gained over 2 million followers on TikTok, and their company is now worth over £5 billion. Clearly, they’re doing something right!

(Source: The Tab)

Social Media Content Examples

These days, an effective content marketing campaign must include social media. There’s no scrimping on this one. But with all the noise on social media, how do you stand out? 

Here are two examples that have well and truly captured their markets:

Boohoo’s Instagram Account

British online fashion retailer Boohoo excels in Instagram marketing, boasting over 12 million followers. Their account highlights the latest collections and actively engages followers with influencer partnerships, user-generated content, and interactive posts.

They have a clear “aesthetic” – flawless, trendy, and budget-friendly. Every photo looks meticulous – even snaps of their brand ambassadors working from home look impeccably styled.

We’re giving Boohoo points for having a strong and consistent brand image on their Instagram account. They know exactly who they’re targeting, and they give them exactly what they want.

Ryanair’s X Account

Love them or hate them, Europe’s budget airline Ryanair certainly has a knack for social media marketing. Ryanair’s X account is famous for its witty and cheeky posts that often poke fun at their competitors and sometimes even their customers. 

Their tone of voice is an unapologetic mix of humorous, sarcastic, and brutally honest. It might seem like a risque approach, but when you’re already known as the “bad boy” of airlines, why not lean into it?

Ryanair is fearless in taking risks, and in their case, it pays off. Their X account has over 818k followers with posts that frequently go viral and make headlines in mainstream media. 

As they say, any publicity is good publicity, and many brands would pay large sums of money for that kind of exposure.

eBook Examples

eBooks are a popular lead magnet in the digital world and with good reason. They’re an excellent way to capture leads while also promoting your brand in the form of thought leadership. 

But creating a successful eBook takes more than just throwing some information together and putting it out there. It needs to have a clear purpose and must offer something of value to the reader.

Low-effort eBooks can sometimes do more harm than good in terms of brand reputation. If you want to get it right, then take a look at these successful eBook examples for inspiration.

Hubspot’s “AI Trends for Marketers”

The Hubspot team are experts in the field of marketing. Their eBook on AI trends for marketers is a great example of thought leadership in action. 

It does two things extremely well. Hubspot capitalises on a current trend like AI in marketing and offers valuable information that readers won’t find elsewhere.

Performing their own research, they compiled survey answers from over 1,350 industry professionals to get their insights on the future of AI in marketing. 

This meant they could offer original content and data that readers wouldn’t be able to find elsewhere. In exchange, readers hand over their contact information, which Hubspot can use for future marketing efforts. 

It’s a win for both parties and a prime example of how to use thought leadership to generate leads.

(Source: Hubspot)

Grin’s “How to Find Content Creators”

Grin’s eBook on finding content creators speaks directly to their target audience. 

It offers valuable information on how to identify, reach out to, and collaborate with content creators for successful influencer campaigns.

They use charts and graphics to make their information more digestible, and their ebooks are filler-free. They know what their audience needs, and they hand it over without any errors. 

At the same time, they can collect leads by offering the eBook as a gated resource. 

As an added bonus, they can also promote their platform to those most likely to be interested – brands and marketers looking to collaborate with content creators.

B2B Content Examples

B2B marketers face different challenges compared to B2C marketers. They often have a longer sales cycle, complex products or services, and a smaller target audience. 

Overcoming these challenges can be a headache for many marketers, but there are some companies that have mastered B2B content marketing and can serve as great examples for others.

Slack’s “We Tried Slack” Campaign

SaaS brands sometimes have it harder than most when it comes to creating engaging content. 

They have to convince businesses to invest in a product that might be difficult to understand or explain in a short amount of time. Slack, a popular team communication tool, tackled this challenge with its “We Tried Slack” campaign.

Slack took on this challenge with their “We Tried Slack” campaign, where they used a humorous ‘mockumentary’ style approach to highlight the benefits of their product. 

They hook viewers with hilarious scenarios of frustrating workplace communication and then immediately pivot to showing how Slack can solve those issues. 

This campaign was incredibly well received, getting over 1 million views on YouTube, with some commenters even saying, “I wanna start working in a company that uses Slack, just because of that video!”. 

Currently, their brand is worth nearly £1 billion, and their software is used by over 30k teams worldwide.

The Squarespace “Singularity” Campaign

Who says B2B campaigns have to be dull? Squarespace’s 2023 “singularity” campaign, was very innovative and allowed them to think outside of the box, with the face of the campaign being the charismatic actor Adam Driver. 

Staring intensely into the camera, the video campaign follows Driver as he reaches the conclusion that Squarespace – a website that creates websites – could, in fact, create itself. This tongue-in-cheek campaign pokes fun at the concept of a technological singularity – a hypothetical point in time where humans lose control of technology and it becomes self-sufficient.

This existential and slightly meta-campaign was broadcast during the American Super Bowl – one of the most watched TV events in the world. It received widespread praise for its boldness and creativity. 

This campaign helped to solidify Squarespace as a major player in the website creation market. Their brand value currently stands at over £3 billion, which solidifies this status.

(Source: Squarespace)

B2C Content Examples

Some might say B2C brands have an easier time marketing themselves since they now have so many ways to reach their customers directly. They can do it through social media, email campaigns, and influencer partnerships, among many others. 

But that also means competition is tough, and they have to go the extra mile to stand out. Here are some of our favourite B2C content examples:

Spotify Wrapped

Sometimes, a brand creates a marketing campaign that starts a whole new trend in marketing campaigns, and this is exactly what Spotify did with their annual “Wrapped” campaign. 

They used a proven tactic: personalised data. They turned it into a shareable, interactive experience that not only engaged their current user base but got people talking about Spotify all over social media.

People couldn’t wait to share their personal “wrapped” with their followers and friends, sparking conversations around their music taste and listening habits. 

Companies such as Nintendo, Twitch, and Hulu started following suit with their own version of the yearly round-up. When multimillion-dollar companies take inspiration from your marketing campaign, you know you’re doing something right.

(Source: Tech Crunch)

Red Bull’s Space Jump

It’s been more than ten years since Felix Baumgartner jumped out of a balloon from 24 miles above the earth’s surface for Red Bull’s Space Jump, breaking multiple world records in the process. 

But even today, people still remember the moment when they saw that iconic Red Bull logo floating down from space. 

This incredible stunt generated millions of views on YouTube and tens of millions worth of media exposure, which few marketing campaigns can hope to achieve.

Of course, not many companies would have the marketing budget to pull off a stunt like this. However, it serves as a great example of how taking risks and pushing the boundaries can pay off in terms of brand awareness and engagement. 

Red Bull’s CEO clearly thinks that being “top of mind” is priceless. By creating an unforgettable and likely unrepeatable event, they have certainly achieved that.

Why is Content Marketing Important?

Content – it’s everything from blog posts, podcasts, videos, and social media posts to advertising campaigns and product descriptions. 

Without content, you don’t have marketing. So naturally, content is important for brand growth.

Very few companies have successfully built their brand without relying on content marketing in some form or another. 

You’re unlikely to simply put up a website, sit back, and wait for customers to find you. Instead, you need to actively create content that will attract and engage your target audience.

This means understanding who your audience is and what type of content they are interested in. It also requires continuously creating high-quality, relevant, and valuable content that keeps your brand at the forefront of your mind. 

Being consistent with your content efforts will help you achieve the following:

  • Increased brand awareness
  • Higher website traffic and search engine visibility
  • Improved lead generation and conversions
  • Enhanced customer loyalty and retention
  • Better overall brand reputation

Without content, these goals are nearly impossible to achieve. Content marketing is what allows you to connect with your audience, build relationships, and establish yourself as an industry expert. 

If you perform an SEO audit on any successful company’s website, you’ll see that a significant portion of their overall traffic comes from organic search – which is primarily driven by content.

It also helps differentiate your brand from competitors by showcasing your unique voice, values, and whatever makes your brand special. 

​​Many brands choose to partner with a content marketing agency to help them develop, plan, and execute their content strategy more effectively.

Amplify Your Content Marketing with Eskimoz

We’re a digital marketing and copywriting agency that lives at the cutting edge of content marketing. We absolutely love data – it informs everything we do. We can help you create content that performs like a slick, well-oiled machine. 

Our team of experienced content creators and strategists are here to assist you with everything from creating a content strategy to generating ideas, producing high-quality content, and promoting it effectively across various channels. 

If these sound like services you could use, then be sure to get in touch.

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