Make UX a Springboard for Your Business Growth

Build an ergonomic interface and maximise conversion on your website or mobile application thanks to the expertise of a UX agency.

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When a user lands on your website or mobile app, they only have a few seconds to decide if they wish to stay or go elsewhere. First, they are drawn in (or not) by the quality of the interface and ease of navigation. Then, they look at the quality of the content and how quickly the elements are displayed on the pages. Finally, they start looking for the information they were after. All these components come together in what we call the User Experience (UX).

Experience Utilisateur : c'est quoi ?

What’s the Point of the User Experience?

Designing a website or application is more about the experience than about the content. To keep the users’ attention and generate positive emotions, you need to offer a qualitative, efficient experience that focuses on the user and their needs/expectations. Navigation or use should be intuitive, pleasant, fluid, and relevant. It should also be functional – users don’t browse your pages just for fun. They’re looking for information, a product, or a service.

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The Goal of UX

UX Design is a field sitting at the crossroads of web ergonomics, user interface (UI), technical performance, and the creation of emotions. Its ambition? To return digital platforms to their primary function: making life easier for the users by designing the best browsing experience.

That’s precisely what your UX agency is there to help you achieve: creating the optimal user experience for your website or application to turn into a springboard that will boost your business growth.


What Can a UX Agency Do for You?

  • Ergonomics

    We design your website or application based on your audience’s needs, appearance (design), practicality, accessibility, and content prioritisation. The aim is to provide an optimal user experience and to guide visitors to the information they’re looking for seamlessly.

  • Interface

    We optimise the visual aspect of your website or app to make it attractive to Internet users through a bold graphic design that reflects your company’s visual identity and conveys your values. To achieve this, our UX agency also deploys its UI (User Interface) expertise!

  • Technical Performance

    Technique is one of the most prominent aspects of UX Design. It is especially crucial for page loading time, which can make all the difference between a user who carries on with their visit and one who leaves, never to be back again (Google takes this element into account through Core Web Vitals).

  • Reassurance

    The quality of the user experience also depends on the degree of trust users place in a website or app. When we design your platform, we integrate essential elements of reassurance: HTTPS protocol, company identification levers, customer reviews, etc.

  • Content

    Content quality is an integral part of UX since the main reason users visit your platform is to find information. We create optimised content to communicate with your audiences effectively, get the right messages across, and take your projects all the way to conversion.

  • Accessibility

    User experience also addresses the accessibility issues faced by people with disabilities (visual or hearing impairment, cognitive issues) and senior citizens. A UX agency can help you make your platform accessible to all audiences.


Rely on Eskimoz’s UX Expertise

Over the past ten years, our UX agency has been helping companies of all sizes – and across all sectors – develop web platforms that deliver an optimal user experience. We surround ourselves with seasoned team members whose knowledge was forged by the various challenges set by our clients.

Our UX designers create solutions that meet the needs and expectations of Internet users. Our web developers then integrate these solutions into a user-centric website or application. Finally, our marketing teams produce the content you need to capture the users’ attention, provide answers, and drive conversion.

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Ux design

6 Steps to Designing the Perfect UX

  • Audit

    Assessing your interface from a technical and content standpoint.
  • Stakes

    Understanding the challenges your website or application will have to live up to.
  • Analysis

    Analysing your audiences’ needs and expectations and their web browsing habits.
  • Optimisation

    Implementing an action plan that makes the most of the optimisation avenues identified.
  • Creation

    Your interface and architecture meet your challenges and adapt to your audience’s behaviour.
  • Test

    Having users test your platform before it goes into production.

Our Commitment

  • Expertise

    Since 2010, we have worked with over 2000 clients across 90 countries.

  • Passion

    We are a team of passionate, industry-focused individuals who are committed to your success.

  • Performance

    We’re committed to implementing a data-driven strategy, making a real impact on your bottom line by providing avenues for growth.

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